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One day left to join Honeycomb GO

One day left to join Honeycomb GO!!Don’t miss this beautiful romance!!My dear prince and his little rose are waiting for you ❤️You can purchase My dear prince item separate. Here is the link to join the GO.蜂巢honey-comb/Also please read all information before you place your order 🙂Thanks!

I am looking for 5 whole sets of My dear Prince and his little rose for getting free EMS shipping from [蜂巢::Honey Comb::].

Please join us!…/%e8%9c%82%e5%b7%a2honey-comb/

[蜂巢::Honey Comb::] – His little rose


White Stars (Limited) (only 3 sets worldwide)

Black Stars (Limited) (only 3 sets worldwide)

If the product sell over than 3 sets, we will refund you 🙂

Black gold grid

Size:SD17 boy

[蜂巢::Honey Comb::] – My dear Prince


Dark Green + Balck

Houndstooth pattern (Limited) only 3 sets worldwide

(no matter what sizes…we only sell 3 sets)

(If this color go over than 3 sets, You will get refund by me)

Silver grey


Soom ID 75

LLT Ballerino body

#bjd#bjdoutfit #Sd17 #Volks #LLTbjd

图片中可能有:1 位用户、站立
图片中可能有:1 位用户、站立
图片中可能有:2 位用户、一群人站着
图片中可能有:1 位用户
图片中可能有:1 位用户、站立