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Mini Wigs group order update -3

Payment made 🙂 We are waiting for the pre-order items then Artist will ship the package to us later 😃 Pre-order items are estimate about 20 days to make. Thanks everyone😊🥰😘


Mini Luna wig and other products group order update-4

Artist said she is ready to ship our order by this week!!!! This is the fastest GO ever xDHappy 😊 have a great week…!!Hopefully no more -35C 🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶If you don’t know where I located…I’m located in Alaska USA xD I am still don’t like winter here but I love this place so much xD I moved here from Taiwan since 2005 and Alaska is my first stop. My family thought we might move to other places after few years but ended up here is our forever home. Now is our 16 years in Alaska !! Gosh I am so old now xD half of my life is in here 😂 growing to be an alaskan!!!


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Mini Luna wig GO update 5

Even though I said this week is the Chinese New year week xDDD Post office will be closed soon. Mini club still made it to the post office today! Our package is accepted but might sit in the post office until the service resume 😝😝😝Thank you Mini club!!Have a great holiday week to ya 😘
