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Shiroi Kistune no Yume’s hip and knee joints – updates

Since family emergency please be patient with him. He is pretty much all over the place between home, work and hospital in 3 locations each time I messaged him 🙁 He told me he caught up on everything (was a very large amount of orders from Taiwan & other location customers) now he is able to start to work on our 1 & 2 group orders by next week. As with each group order from my artists, I am the only one who always has a longer pre order time frame and the last person to submit the list to the designer.  Anyway back to our topic:We estimated around 2 months if no power outage, or machine issues or any other things cause the inability to work. If something happens ,we will extend the wait time. Then after that will be sent to me. Any questions please feel free to contact me. Thank you for all of your patience and understanding!We are very thankful for all of your support! Please be healthy and strong everyone! Flora Image is from Shiroi Kistune no Yume